Protecting Data Against Malware

[Posted on: 06 August 2015]

Before I proceed any further please be warned that you will need some knowledge of Linux to understand some of the finer points. Even if you don’t you may still be able to grasp the basic ideas. Also please note that the terms ‘folder’ and ‘directory’ are used interchangeably – the former tends to be used by Windows and the latter by Linux.

In recent times we have seen a rise in malware that attacks the user’s own data. Something like Cryptolocker will encrypt files on the user’s computer and then make a ransom demand to pay for the required unlocking code. (more…)

Secure Memorable Passwords

[Posted on: 15 July 2015]

We all tend to have lots of internet passwords these days. Some of the security advice given includes:-

  1. Make your passwords strong with a good variety of different character types.
  2. Do not use the same password across multiple sites.

Whilst these are good guidelines it is all too easy to disregard these considerations simply to be able to remember one’s own passwords. What is the answer? I’d like to briefly share my own experience and a solution that I have come up with that has proved really helpful. (more…)

Why back up your data?

[Posted on: 09 May 2014]

Do you need to back up your computer data? The short answer has got to be a definite ‘YES’. Let us have a look at some of the reasons why.

Firstly there are what one might describe as ‘ultimate’ threats such as fire and theft. To lose one’s home or business through fire, whilst still a measurable threat, is nevertheless a very rare event that is never going to happen to the vast majority of us. To fall victim to theft, whist still an uncommon event, is something that probably affects most of us at least once in a lifetime. (more…)